Advantech Corporate Citizenship

Advantech's Corporate Citizenship Strategy

Advantech has applied IoT technology to develop smart healthcare by leveraging its core competencies, contributing to the realization of SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being. In addition, it has also responded to SDG 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG 4 Quality Education-related issues, and it has been a long-time supporter of IoT education and various innovative sustainable education initiatives, hoping to cultivate Taiwanese children and youth into global citizens with a strong sense of environmental sustainability. Social investment and education, culture, and public welfare also align with SDG 4.
Advantech promotes sustainable education and national aesthetic attainments. In addition to investing in educational innovation, Advantech also encourages and sponsors sustainable education promotion programs in primary and secondary schools, and supports private education platforms to promote Project-Based Learning (PBL). We also continue to invest resources to assist professional schools and arts and cultural groups in cultivating outstanding artistic talents, and actively promoting the public‘s aesthetic attainments while simultaneously enhancing the development of the arts and cultural industries, so as to enhance the soft power of art for Taiwan.

Medium- and Long-Term Goals

The vision of the foundation is based on Advantech‘s altruistic philosophy, combined with the participation of corporate stakeholders, to promote ’industry-academia collaboration,‘ ’education innovation‘, ’art industry co-prosperity‘ to promote the development of a smart and happy community“ as the foundation vision statement. Advantech is committed to becoming a smart enabler of a sustainable earth and is committed to becoming a brand enterprise of truth, goodness, and beauty. With the goal of cultivating talents to promote a sound society in which technology and humanities advance simultaneously, Advantech will continue to deepen the use of smart healthcare and education on the IoT based on its core competencies in the future; and enhance the arts, culture, and public welfare activities by integrating social development and strengthening the connection between the Company’s employees. through the planning of ”IoT Industry-Academic Cooperation“, ”Innovation Sustainable Education“, ”Co-prosperous Development of Arts and Enterprises“, and "Rural Charity" as the key project to promote the annual targets.

All the foundation's projects have been approved by the Board of Directors. Depending on the appropriateness, the community is jointly responded, or employees, customers, suppliers and all stakeholders are invited to participate.

List of the foundation’s social welfare expenditures in 2023

Expenditure type Arts and literature Industry-academia Education Public welfare Total Expenses Percentage
Charitable Donations - - - $ 23,295,775 $ 23,295,775 22%
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 8,882,336 $ 51,000 $ 7,815,000 $ 6,269,269 $ 23,017,605 22%
Business initiatives $ 7,286,087 $ 46,275,563 $ 4,056,885 $ 1,500,000 $ 59,118,535 56%
Total $ 16,168,423 $ 46,326,563 $ 11,871,885 $ 31,065,044 $105,431,915 100%

Expenditure type Arts and literature
Charitable Donations -
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 8,882,336
Business initiatives $ 7,286,087
Total $ 16,168,423
Expenditure type Industry-academia
Charitable Donations -
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 51,000
Business initiatives $ 46,275,563
Total $ 46,326,563
Expenditure type Education
Charitable Donations -
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 7,815,000
Business initiatives $ 4,056,885
Total $ 11,871,885
Expenditure type Public welfare
Charitable Donations $ 23,295,775
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 6,269,269
Business initiatives $ 1,500,000
Total $ 31,065,044
Expenditure type Total Expenses
Charitable Donations $ 23,295,775
Neighborhood/Community Investment $ 23,017,605
Business initiatives $ 59,118,535
Total $105,431,915
Expenditure type Percentage
Charitable Donations 22%
Neighborhood/Community Investment 22%
Business initiatives 56%
Total 100%

Analysis of expenditures

Form of expenditure Arts and Culture Industry-academia Education Public welfare Total Expenses
Cash Donations $ 15,683,370 $ 41,868,426 $ 11,515,728 $ 30,788,624 $ 99,856,149
Volunteer Fees - - - $ 276,420 $ 276,420
Item donation - $ 3,068,340 - - $ 3,068,340
Administrative and marketing expenses $ 485,053 $ 1,389,797 $ 356,157 - $ 2,231,006
Total $ 16,168,423 $ 46,326,563 $ 11,871,885 $ 31,065,044 $ 105,431,915

Form of expenditure Arts and Culture
Cash Donations $ 15,683,370
Volunteer Fees -
Item donation -
Administrative and marketing expenses $ 485,053
Total $16,168,423
Form of expenditure Industry-academia
Cash Donations $ 41,868,426
Volunteer Fees -
Item donation $ 3,068,340
Administrative and marketing expenses $ 1,389,797
Total $ 46,326,563
Form of expenditure Education
Cash Donations $ 11,515,728
Volunteer Fees -
Item donation -
Administrative and marketing expenses $ 356,157
Total $ 11,871,885
Form of expenditure Public welfare
Cash Donations $ 30,788,624
Volunteer Fees $ 276,420
Item donation -
Administrative and marketing expenses -
Total $ 31,065,044
Form of expenditure Total Expenses
Cash Donations $ 99,856,149
Volunteer Fees $ 276,420
Item donation $ 3,068,340
Administrative and marketing expenses $ 2,231,006
Total $ 105,431,915

Social welfare expenditure in the recent three years

Expenditure type 2021 2022 2023
Charitable donations $ 30,976,102 $ 7,476,680 $ 23,295,775
Community/community investment $ 24,675,636 $ 30,115,185 $ 23,017,605
Business initiatives $ 21,206,083 $ 54,460,140 $ 59,118,535
Total $ 76,857,821 $ 92,052,005 $ 105,431,915

Expenditure type 2021
Charitable donations $ 30,976,102
Community/community investment $ 24,675,636
Business initiatives $ 21,206,083
Total $ 76,857,821
Expenditure type 2022
Charitable donations $ 7,476,680
Community/community investment $ 30,115,185
Business initiatives $ 54,460,140
Total $ 92,052,005
Expenditure type 2023
Charitable donations $ 23,295,775
Community/community investment $ 23,017,605
Business initiatives $ 59,118,535
Total $ 105,431,915