Company Profile
Since its establishment in 1983, Advantech has focused on the global IIoT field, providing corporate customers with a full range of services such as software and hardware system integration, customized design services, and global technical support. And the vision of the corporate brand of “Enabling an intelligent planet”.
Advantech is a Taiwan listed company and has been listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange since 1999 (TWSE: 2395); Headquartered in Neihu Science Park, Taipei, Taiwan, our business base spans 27 countries in Europe, America, Asia, and other regions. Our three major manufacturing centers are located in Linkou (Taiwan), Kunshan (China), and Fukuoka (Japan). Furthermore, we have built four logistics management centers and 21 local service centers to provide global customers with real-time and comprehensive integrated services via a complete service system.
Advantech and its affiliated companies focus on the manufacturing, assembly, sales, and after-sales service of industrial computer-related products (see Organization chart in 2.1.2 for details). The major 3 business groups include: Industrial IoT Business Group, Embedded IoT Platform Business Group, and Service IoT Business Group, providing customers with diversified application solutions such as smart manufacturing, smart healthcare, smart energy, transportation infrastructure, communication network security, and smart logistics. To embrace the global trends of the
IoT, AI, and ESG sustainability, Advantech has introduced software and hardware solutions centered around WISE-IoT, the industrial IoT cloud platform, to help partners and customers in connecting the industrial chain. Moreover, we actively work with various industrial partners to "co-create" an industrial ecosystem to accelerate the realization of the goal of industrial intelligence.
Organization Chart of Advantech
The industries that Advantech and its affiliated companies work on are mainly in the manufacture, assembly, sales and after-sales service of industrial computerrelated products. Some affiliated companies invest in related technologies and business activities connected to the aforementioned products to form their business scopes. The organization chart of the Company is shown in Figure.

Distribution of Advantech’s Operating Locations

Economic Performance and Brand Value
Due to the high global inflation and economic headwinds in 2023, Advantech's annual revenue decreased by 6%, but its profitability remained stable, with positive growth in gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. The EPS reached NTD 12.65 in 2023, continuing to hit new record highs. "Advantech has long focused on its core business, maintaining a strong financial structure." It also maintains a high dividend-payment policy and shares business results with shareholders. In 2023, a total of NTD 9.5 of cash dividends was distributed per share in cash dividends, with a payout rate of over 75%, aiming to create a stronger business value for shareholders. Since its inception, Advantech has focused on the management of its own brands. In 2023, we were ranked the 5th among international brands * in Taiwan, with a brand value of US$ 881 million and a growth rate of 13%, making it one of the top five international brands in Taiwan for six consecutive years.
Advantech's Products, Revenue Distributions and Product Output in 2023

* Note:
The area of production plants is as follows: Manufacturing Center in Linkou, Taiwan (553,030 ft²); Manufacturing Center in Kunshan, China (1,107,821 ft²); Manufacturing Center in Fukuoka, Japan (129,403.7 ft²)
Corporate Governance
An evaluation was conducted by Interbrand, an internationally renowned brand evaluation agency commissioned by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Please refer to the website: Internal Audit, Advantech Code of Ethics and Business Conduct , Guideline for Insider Trading revention Management

Composition and Operation of the Board of Directors
Advantech is committed to optimizing the functions of the Board of Directors and has established a comprehensive director selection system. The selection of Board members adheres to the diversity policy and comprehensive assessments include industry background, professional field, age, and gender balance to promote diverse perspectives. In addition to considering the international market outlook, professional and academic accomplishment, and risk management, Advantech will also consider including the expertise in the field of sustainability in the evaluation indicators of the board members. The process of selecting director candidates is outlined in Article 192-1 of the Company Act. The shareholders' meeting appoints directors from the candidate list. The recruitment process for independent directors is regulated by the "Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies." Each term of the board of directors consists of three years in office.
Advantech is currently in the 15th term of the Board of Directors, consisting of nine directors, and the term of the Board of Directors is from May 25, 2023 to May 24, 2026. The composition of the current Board of Directors and the evolutionary goals of the next Board of Directors (16th term) are shown in the figure below; Advantech Cultural and Educational Foundation will occupy one seat on the board, and the stakeholders of the public welfare aspect are also included in the composition of the Board of Directors. Overall, the composition of Advantech's Board of Directors complies with the principle of diversity. The diverse professional perspectives of the directors are constructive and beneficial to the Company's ability to cope with operational, industry, and sustainability impacts. The average tenure of the 15th Board of Directors as of the end of December 2023 was 6.7 years.

Mechanism of Progressive Sustainable Development Committee (SDC)
In July 2022, Advantech officially established the Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) at the board level to hold meetings quarterly to formulate the Company's long-term development strategy. Among them, the 1Q/3Q SDC meeting is positioned as an "Progressive SDC": Invite all directors, external experts, consultants, and senior executives on an expanded basis to discuss in-depth Advantech's business model innovation, business succession, medium and long-term vision, and other key development issues. In 2023, the Progressive SDC agenda includes discussions on Advantech's global strategy, the NEG framework, and implementation planning, organizational changes within Corp. Development, optimization of organizational change, inheritance and governance structures, talent development and rotation systems, as well as long-term strategic issues related to the layout and development of emerging business units. The Progressive SDC mechanism incorporates external consultants and experts, builds internal consensus, and promotes changes to demonstrate group intelligence and execution.
ESG Performance and Incentive Mechanism
Advantech has continued to advance its vision of being an intelligent enabler for a sustainable earth. In 2022, we established and implemented an ESG KPI mechanism for senior executives, including the Chairman, Co-Governance President, senior executives, responsible managers, members of the ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office, and other accountable colleagues. This mechanism includes ESG sustainability indicators such as environmental, social, and governance aspects. Major performance evaluation items for 2023 and 2024 are planned. The incentives and rewards are mainly based on Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs), supplemented by performance bonuses. The payment schedule is in November of each year and in April of the following year issued. At the same time, goals and promotion plans are set and regularly evaluated by benchmarking domestic and international sustainability trends, Advantech's operations and risk management mechanisms. Payments are made based on sustainable goals, quantitative indicators, and actual performance. As a result of the implementation in 2023, over 54,230 shares have been issued to senior executives, junior and mid-level supervisors, and entry-level colleagues with outstanding ESG performance.

Tax Policy
Advantech holds the Lita spirit, a concept of altruism within the company, and expects to give back to society while growing the business. Therefore, we take it as our responsibility to contribute reasonable taxes to societies and economies where we conduct our business. We seek to comply with relevant tax laws and regulations but do not seek to conduct aggressive tax planning. According to Advantech Tax Policy, headquarters and its subsidiaries should abide by the following principles:
- Act at all times in compliance with the spirit and the letter of the relevant tax laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate.
- Advantech complies with Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Transfer Pricing Guidelines to prepare three-tier transfer pricing documentation.
- Transfer pricing is set based on the “arm’s length principle.” Profits from each operating entity are reasonably remunerated for the risk and complexity of each entity’s activities.
- Advantech’s major decisions are made mainly based on business purposes, and then supplemented by tax analysis to search for optimal solutions.
- Do not engage in any arrangement that transfers value created to low tax jurisdictions or tax havens simply for reducing tax burden. Do not use tax havens or tax structures whose sole purpose is for tax avoidance.
- Assess tax risk periodically and reduce it by negotiating Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) with local tax authorities in the countries Advantech generates high income.
- Build mutually respectful relations with tax authorities based on mutual trust and communication, information transparency, and tax payment with integrity.
2023 Revenue, net profit before tax, tax information, and number of employees (Unit: NTD thousand)

* Note:
1. The revenue, net profit before tax, and tax information are aggregated amounts from local entities' statutory financial statements and related party transactions are not excluded.
2. The net profit before tax includes investment gain (loss) accounted using the equity method.
3. For the names of all resident entities and their primary business activities, please refer to the appendix of Advantech Co., Ltd.'s 2023 Sustainability Report.
The Group‘s effective tax rate and cash tax rate for 2022 and 2023 are as follows:

Source: pages 12 to 13 of the FY2023 Advantech Co., Ltd. Consolidated Financial Statements; please refer to the "Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows" on page 15 for income tax paid.
1. Effective tax rate = income tax expense ÷ net profit before tax
2. Cash tax rate = income tax paid ÷ net profit before tax
3. Differences in effective tax rate are explained below:
- The effective tax rate was lower than the industry group average. This was primarily due to tax incentives for research and development expenditures according to regulations under the R.O.C. Statute for the Upgrading Industries and Statute for Industrial Innovation. Also, the pre-tax super deduction of R&D expenses and the preferential CIT rate for the high and new technology enterprise in China. After excluding these influences, the adjusted effective tax rate were similar to the industry group average.
- Apart from what mentioned above, Cash tax rate was also affected by timing differences, such as advance payments and tax policies in different countries (e.g. COVID-19 payment deferral that up to 36-month installments in Taiwan.) After excluding these influences, the adjusted cash tax rate was similar to the industry group average.
- FY2023 R&D tax incentives amount was estimated. The previous year’s R&D tax incentives were revised to match the amount reported in the tax returns.
Taxation Governance
Advantech is subject to tax laws and regulations in the various jurisdictions in which it operates or conducts business. Changes in tax laws and regulations will increase tax liabilities and compliance burdens, which will have an adverse impact on business operation. In order to effectively manage tax risks, Advantech complies with the tax laws and regulations; understands the tax liability and compliance status; identifies potential tax risks; prioritizes the issues and handles them on case-by-case basis. Technology tools are also been used for effective tax management. Aforementioned tasks and results are regularly reviewed by the management. The strategy development of global finance and tax is led by the management, who delegates day-to-day responsibility to headquarters finance manager. Local accounting teams execute the tax filings complying with tax laws and regulations. In addition, Advantech also engaged external tax consultants and CPA firms for tax reporting and compliance services. Advantech's Audit and Risks Committee is delegated by the Board to oversee the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing, and financial control practices of Advantech through periodic review of certain major matters, including accounting policies and procedures, internal controls systems, legal compliance, and corporate risk management, etc. Advantech's Tax Policy is reviewed in the Audit and Risks Committee and approved by the Board.
Integrity Management: Compliance with Laws and Regulations, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Competition
Integrity management is an important part of the internal control mechanism of corporate governance. Advantech identifies various laws and regulations in advance, and then communicates with relevant internal units to evaluate the formulation and implementation of the Company's relevant rules, in order to ensure smooth compliance with laws and regulations and practical practices. The concepts of compliance with laws, anti-corruption, anti-competitive, and social responsibility in integrity management are closely related to the Company's goodwill, which is one of Advantech's sustainable operations.
Promotion and implementation of integrity management

The following were Advantech's 2023 major regulatory violations:
*Definition of material breach of laws and regulations:
Any breach of laws and regulations as per the material information listed by the Financial Supervisory Commission
(Taiwan, ROC).
- Major regulatory violations (including incidents of fines and non-monetary sanctions) in 2023
- Corruption and bribery incidents: 0
- Incidents of discrimination and harassment: 0
- Breach incidents of customer privacy data: 0
- Conflicts of interest: 0
- Incidents of fraud, money laundering, and insider trading: 0
- Anti-competitive behavior, Antitrust and Monopolistic Practices, Operate market events: 0
- Other incidents related to integrity management or any major violations of laws and regulations: 0
- The overall number of incidents for "Incidents of anti-competitive behavior, antitrust and monopoly behavior, and market manipulation" in 2023 is 0. Therefore, no monetary loss due to litigation: $0.
- Direct or indirect political contributions in 2023: NT$0
2023 Completion rate of the online integrity management test