ESG Governance

ESG Governance Structure

Personnel or Units Role

The top leader of sustainable development; leading Advantech's global corporate sustainable strategy and development.

Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Regularly review corporate sustainability performance, review the report's sustainability materiality topics, review the pre-release and post-release versions of the sustainability report, and discuss major ESG proposals.

Corporate Sustainability Committee at the Board of Directors Level-SDC Sustainability Development Committee
Corporate Sustainability Committee at the Board of Directors Level-SDC Sustainability Development Committee
  • Chairman K.C. Liu (convenor), Director Jeff Chen, and Director Ji-Ren Lee, a total of three members, discussed annual agenda items including climate change strategy, corporate carbon management and carbon pricing, diversity, equality and inclusive workplace development, biodiversity protection, performance evaluation and incentive mechanisms for ESG KPIs among senior management, EU sustainable disclosure topic, social impact assessments, globalization strategies, corporate organizational development and transformation, business inheritance, global talent cultivation and rotation, compensation optimization, RE100, EU carbon tariff response strategy, annual ESG performance evaluation and verification, and corporate occupational health and safety among other topics.
  • Corporate Sustainability Committee at the Board of Directors Level-SDC Sustainability Development Committee meets once a quarter, for a total of four times a year.
  • Climate-related issues are included on the agenda of the Board of Directors at least once a year, and the Sustainability Committee is the responsible unit for managing climate change.
ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office
ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office
  • The main leader is the President of General Management, who gives instructions and suggestions to the ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office.
  • Responsible for identifying Advantech sustainable development issues, formulating annual development goals and plans, convening quarterly corporate sustainable development meetings, and inviting Board members, external experts, and benchmarking companies depending on the theme for feedback. ESG projects are carried out by the responsible team, and the ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office regularly monitors the results and proposes improvement plans.
  • The ESG Corporate Sustainability Development Office reports to the Chairman the planning and progress of relevant projects from time to time. The Chairperson gives direction and strategic advice and the President is invited to participate in important meetings and decision-making.

ESG Organizational Structure of Advantech

Advantech's corporate mission is to enrich the smart world with IoT technology, and our sustainability mission is to become a catalyst for a sustainable planet by leveraging our core strengths. As a multinational corporation based in Taiwan with a global perspective, Advantech adheres to policies of international responsible business conduct, which align with various declarations and guidelines including, but not limited to, the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, despite not being a UN member state, also considers the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct (RBA Code of Conduct) in its operational management and implementation of ESG policies. Related policies and documents, see: Sustainability Report - ESG (

Advantech's highest governance unit and ESG governance unit oversee due diligence, identify sustainability materiality themes annually, manage progress, and track goals, aiming to determine the positive and negative impacts of Advantech's operations on the economy, environment, and society. If there is no negative impact, the supervision will continue to be positive and preventive measures will be implemented. Adopt mitigation or remedial measures if there are negative impacts. Relevant information can be found in the management approach table descriptions in each material topic chapter.

Advantech's commitment:

  • Improve corporate governance performance and strictly comply with the business ethics plan and related laws and policies.
  • Enhance the all-round value of the Company, continue to bring positive influence and create positive value to various stakeholders.
  • Combining core strengths, we actively invest in innovative research and development to provide smart products and solutions that contribute to environmental development and social impact; continue to increase the proportion of revenue from sustainable intelligent solution, reduce environmental impact at operating locations, and improve own green operation performance.
  • Emphasizing the long-term development of employees, building a DEI workplace with Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, and providing employees with a healthy and safe working environment, reasonable compensation, employee care and benefits, and promoting the value addition of talents.
  • Encourage employees to participate in charitable causes with an altruistic spirit and establish a “volunteer leave system” to promote employees' contribution to the community and society.
  • Progressively enhance the cooperation and education and training on the three ESG dimensions with external suppliers each year, and work together with suppliers to create sustainable value and low-carbon business opportunities.

Advantech has published the Sustainability Report since 2013. In terms of ESG governance mechanisms, we improve the governance mechanisms year by year by researching domestic and international sustainability trends and the practices of its benchmark companies